Friday, June 8, 2012

My Very Little Annoying Brother.

just fought with my brother.
Why, you may ask?
He was spilling water all over. And I told him to stop. BOOM. He goes and tattles to my mom, saying, I was yelling at him. Of course, my mom would believe him.
And then, I got mad at him and because I'm not allowed to call him anything bad or say anything bad, like even, 'Shut up', I said the first thing that came to my mind, under my breath that too. I said, 'You freaking owl.'
Now tell me.
Does that even make any sense?
He saw me mutter something and went to complain again.
He came back and I couldn't control myself and said under my breath, 'You twerp.'
Of course, he said, "I'm going to go complain to Daddy later"
Oh dear.
What am I supposed to do?

This all started because my mom told him to complain even if I raised my voice slightly louder.
So now, whether I throw a mushroom at him or call him a girl (neither of which I actually did), he goes straight to my mom and complains.
Which I think is stupid.
And pointless.

Doesn't that just make things worse?

*This post was supposed to be posted about a few days ago. It's weird how it didn't. So, I didn't fight with him just now. I fought with him back then.


  1. Haha I have 4 younger brothers so I TOTALLY feel your frustration.

    Let's go be crafty together and forget them for a while. Haha (I know you said you failed at scrap booking but between us non crafters we could make something good lookin)

  2. Oh my gosh!!!! And I thought I was the only one -_-. Little brothers are annoying sometimes. Scratch that, all the time.
