Friday, June 8, 2012

Going Through Summer 2012 would ask if I completed that whole big list of 102 things to do this Summer? Well honestly. I haven't.
And then you would ask if I completed my real bucket list of the Summer? Well no. I haven't.
I had fun.

No really. I maybe haven't finished everything on my To Do, but trust me, it went great.
The 102 things was just for pure fun. It wasn't actually to be taken seriously. Just to keep myself somehow busy. It failed to do so, but it's cool how I managed to make some crappy fun out of that :)
My Real Bucket List for the Summer was something I wanted to do. But unfortunately, the summer was WAY too short for me to do so. I mean, really. 40 days? Who does that?
But anyways, I liked this summer a lot. I've learnt a lot out of it. Even though I haven't done much from my bucket list, I had a great jumpstart at each and every one of them.
Let's see.

1. Complete my story : This summer gave me enough time to plan the story out and put it together. I worked on it and stuff. But it's not done yet. It will, though. It's all planned out perfectly :)
2. Take pictures every day of the Summer Break : Oh yeah. I've done this well. Very well. Not a day went without a picture. And oh my god. INSTAGRAMMM (: Best.Thing.Ever.
3. Thin Down : This wasn't actually supposed to be thinning down. I used the wrong words. It was supposed to be working out. I mean, I'm perfectly fine in my personality. It's just I wanted to work out and lose some unnecessary fat. I don't know if I have or haven't. But I did start going to the gym lately and stuff. Kick start, you see. I'm going to make it daily now.
4. Get better at Shuttle : Now this is one thing I haven't exactly put much focus to. Not at all actually. But I will. I'm going to start going back to the academy and stuff.
5. Make a friend from a totally new place and keep in touch : Oh yes, I have. I have made more than one :)
6. Make a scrapbook : Now you see. I've got all my pictures, journal entries, tickets/brochures/fliers/etc. and stuff to put altogether. It's just I have to make the scrapbook. And I have zero talent when it comes to craft. So this may take time. But it will be done. Just watch.
7. Learn to Bake Cookies : Okay. So I've got tons of recipes. Just gotta work them out.
8. SWIM! : I have swam this summer. But not as much as I do generally, which I regret deeply now. But oh well. I still have a few days left of the summer heat to swim.
9. Finish off SAT Math : So it was stupid of me for expecting myself to finish the whole gigantic big book, knowing my procrastination capabilities. Hehe :) But I have finished a few sections. If I go at a straight pace, I may be able to finish soon. And I think I should start to focus on English now, rather than focusing only on Math. 'cause Math is dead far.
10. Do my holiday homework : OH YEAHHH. Totally done with those bundles full of homework. Some are due on Monday and I have to make a few, teeny minor changes because of our picky teachers. They want us to. But anyways. I'm done with the original homework. YEAHH!

That was it.
So you see, I wasn't done with everything. But I made myself ready to be done with everything soon.
GO SUMMER! (referring to myself. hehe)

I wish I could post pictures on this thing. It's so boring to look at only text. Gah.

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