Saturday, August 11, 2012

What Do I Name This Post? did you guys enjoy Swetha's previous post?
Did I?
One word.

Thing is, Cheese is a pretty nice kid and stuff but like, he's in freaking freshman year!
But we're pretty cool about it now. So it's aight (:

School's been pretty slow lately.
Not really learning anything new.
But everyday is going pretty cool. It's always something out of the ordinary...doing something crazy. So it's pretty fun overall.

AND OMGG. My piano exam is on Monday!
I know I'm probably going to fail. Like no joke.
I'm playing really bad and I only have a day left.
My teacher rushed everything up and now, I'm just left here.
I just don't want to fail this.
I really just want a mere pass.
Hopefully, I would get one :\

Well, what's going on in your lives?
Anyone watched any movies?

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