Challenge Summer #18 : This prompt has been given by Swetha and by me, partially. Thing is, I was going to write about it anyways but Swetha told me to before I could. Word/Page Limit : THANKFULLY, not specified.
A&D is this story on Wattpad written by fallenbabybubu and it's amazing! You can find it here. And guess what? It's inspired by You Belong With Me! It's a beautiful story, about friendship and love.
It's about two neighbors, Aaron and Dakota, who were childhood best buds since they were born. Dakota, a full on geek/nerd, falls for Aaron, her best friend and the school's popular jock before she knows it. But Aaron dosen't realize he loves her. Well he does, but in a friendly, brotherly way. But then, he figures he's mistaken and actually loves her. When he does, problems arise and Dakota's not in his reach. The rest of the story is about their misunderstandings, compromises and confessions.
AND GUESS WHAT AGAIN? Aaron Ford is played by THE Logan Lerman! And he's PERFECT for the role. *hyperventilation strike* Dakota Evans is played by Selena Gomez, but surprisingly, it actually suits her.
There are a few fan-made trailers for this story. And my favorite is this one.
I love this story and I'm probably going to be obsessed with it for a couple o' more days.
You've GOT to read it, if you're one of those people who love You Belong With Me or these kind of mild romance stories. GAHH. I'm in love with this story.
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