Challenge Summer #20 : The prompt, 'WRITE ABOUT US TOO!', has been given to me by both Bailey and Karen. Word/Page Limit : Not specified.
Now with who and where do I start? I'm starting with Karen's because the first time I met her was actually quite funny. It was the middle of the year when Karen joined our middle school. She was put in the same Spanish class as me. She was wearing this extremely funny headband with a cheetah imprint on it (sorry Karen, I can't help it). She seemed clueless and out of the world so I went and asked her name. She gave me this look and muttered, '...Karen.', and looked away. I was just like, 'Oh...kay.', and turned around. I thought she had attitude and was weird and didn't talk to her after that until the end of seventh grade.
That's when we became friends. Alicia and me actually became friends with Karen, Swetha and a few others by acting like mediators/pokers-in-other-problems. They actually had some fight or something and we interfered. We began to talk to them and slowly became their friends.
Eighth grade, we became close. Ninth grade, we became closer than ever. Tenth grade, we're like peanut butter and jelly. We call Karen, Moony and they call me Tonks. Thing is, we all call ourselves names from Harry Potter, by picking the person who resembles us the most. Alicia is Dumbly (Dumbledore), Bailey is Prongs, Swetha is Padfoot, Sally is Alice and Rachel is Hestia.
Since last year, I've learnt a lot about my Moony. She's super sweet, extremely sensitive, real shy, quite crazy, brave in her little self and short. Hehe :) I love Karen like a sister.
And now.
I met Bailey in the eighth grade. She joined in the middle of the beginning of the year. Yeah. I remember her coming into our class and memorizing all our names in one go. I thought she was super smart, but I was wrong. :) She was on my bus that year, but we never really talked that much. Even in class, she was part of a totally different group. So we never really mingled a lot.
Towards the end of that year, I don't know how, but she started sitting with us and we started talking to her. Ninth grade started and it was as if, we knew her since ages. Tenth grade and it feels no different.
Bailey is amazing. She's really sensitive too, has a gun load full of guts, temperamental (haha), sweet, blabberish, random and super tall. She's darn tall. Whenever we walk next to each other in the hallway, it's almost as if people would laugh at us. Yeah. That's how tall she is.
Prongs is cool, trust me. She is. And like the other six, she's like my sister too (:
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