I was reading a few blogs and seemed to find quite a few people doing this thing called, 'Scratch Off Challenge'. (To be precise, three people) It seemed pretty cool and I wanted to try it out. Why was I reading random blogs? Because I have all the time in the world at the moment. And why do I want to attempt this challenge? BECAUSE I HAVE ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD. So. Here I Gooo.

Basically, the challenge is that you make a list or copy it off from other blogs. In a way I did. :) And then, you scratch off the things that hold true for you. BTW, I have made a few lists by myself for most of the lists on the other blogs do not apply to 13/14 year olds. :)
I have/had many scars
I tan easily
I wish my hair was a different color
I have friends who have never seen my natural hair color Nope. I've never dyed my hair before.
I have a tattoo Nope. Nope. Nope. I don't ever wish to have one ever anyway.
I can be conscious about my appearance at times
I have/had braces Nunca. But, I might get them in the summer.
Disney movies still make me cry I've never actually cried in a Disney movie
I've laughed so hard I've cried
I've glued my hand to something
I've laughed until some kind of beverage came out of my nose
I've shouted something so loud when the class was real quiet
I've touched sharp/hot/cold etc. to see if it would hurt
I've gotten stitches I've had this surgery thing when I was back in the sixth grade
I've had my tonsils removed
I've had my wisdom teeth removed
I've been afraid of getting a shot even during teenage years
Note: This list is super short for I do not will to continue the list any longer.
I've been on a plane DUHHH. A super load of times, actually.
I've been to the US I'm live here bro.
I've been to Europe Unfortunately, no.
I've been to atleast one other country
I've never been out of my country
I've driven/ridden over 200 miles in one day
I've got lost in a mall Well, yeah. When I was like five years old in this grocery store in Michigan
I've seen a shooting star Does Dora count?
I've wished on a shooting star
I've seen a meteor shower
I've gone out in public in my pajamas
I've slapped someone
I've been skiing
I've been in a musical
I've auditioned for something
I've been on stage
I caught a snowflake on my tongue
I've sat on a rooftop at night
I've pranked someone
I've ridden in a taxi
I've done something I've promised someone I wouldn't Yo, it's something small. No worries.
I've done something I've promised myself I wouldn't I've broken self-goals during the day lots of times
I've cheated while playing a game
I've been in a fist fight
I own over 10 music CD's Most of them would be of the Jonas Brothers
I own over 10 novels DUHH :)
I own over 5 electronic gadgets
I'm obsessed with anime/manga
I collected comic books I used to.
I own a lot of make up
I own a lot of accessories Claires :)
I own a gaming console(s)
I own a car
I own a bike
I like compliments It's not like I beg for them. I just like hearing them. It boosts my self-esteem. Way to be positive.
I like hate
I can sing low key
I've stolen a tray from a fast food restaurant
I open up to others easily
I watch the news occassionally or always
I like to kill bugs
I sing in the shower
I'm a morning person
I'm a sports cricket fanatic
I twirl my hair
I care about grammar
I love spam
I've copied more than 30 CD's in a day
I bake reasonably well
My favorite color is either white, yellow, pink, blue, red, purple, black, orange
I would wear pajamas to school
I like Martha Stewart
I laugh at my own jokes
I eat fast food weekly
I've not turned in anything and still got an A in a specific class
I can't sleep if there is a bug/insect in the room
I'm really ticklish
I like chocolate
I bite my nails
I'm good at remembering names
I'm good at remembering dates
My memory sucks
I have no idea what I want to the for the rest of my life BAHH. Just the opposite. Life comes once and stays for a short period of time. Enjoy it for life :)
...called me fat
...say I'm skinny
...have said I'm ugly
...have said I'm pretty
...have spread rumors about me
...force me to eat
...say I eat too much
...say I eat too little
...say I eat too fast
...say I eat too slow
...have called me a genius Who wouldn't? *smiles*
...have given me gifts
I've lost weight
I've gained weight
I'm at my thinnest
I'm at my biggest
I diet
My weight affects my mood
I'm vegetarian It's so ironical how I used to be non-vegetarian and converted to vegetarian around a year ago and converted back two days ago!
I exercise I play shuttle sometimes, bicycle ride and take my dog out for walks.
I play a sport SHUTTLE!
I play an instrument THE PIANOOOO :D
I have a pet and I play with it often
I love singing
I love dancing
I'm into theater
I love writing
I love reading
I'm a natural artist
I can do a split
I watch television over 3 hours a day
I'm obsessed with a current on-going television series at the moment PRETTY LITTLE LIARS :)
I'm addicted to Facebook
I'm addicted to Twitter
I'm done. Ah. That was quite fun. You should try it out. You know, for a good laugh or something.

Basically, the challenge is that you make a list or copy it off from other blogs. In a way I did. :) And then, you scratch off the things that hold true for you. BTW, I have made a few lists by myself for most of the lists on the other blogs do not apply to 13/14 year olds. :)
I wish my hair was a different color
I have friends who have never seen my natural hair color Nope. I've never dyed my hair before.
I have a tattoo Nope. Nope. Nope. I don't ever wish to have one ever anyway.
I have/had braces Nunca. But, I might get them in the summer.
Disney movies still make me cry I've never actually cried in a Disney movie
I've laughed until some kind of beverage came out of my nose
I've had my tonsils removed
I've had my wisdom teeth removed
Note: This list is super short for I do not will to continue the list any longer.
I've been to Europe Unfortunately, no.
I've never been out of my country
I've seen a shooting star Does Dora count?
I've wished on a shooting star
I've seen a meteor shower
I've been skiing
I've been in a musical
I caught a snowflake on my tongue
I've sat on a rooftop at night
I've been in a fist fight
I'm obsessed with anime/manga
I own a lot of make up
I own a bike
I like hate
I've stolen a tray from a fast food restaurant
I like to kill bugs
I'm a sports cricket fanatic
I twirl my hair
I love spam
I've copied more than 30 CD's in a day
I would wear pajamas to school
I like Martha Stewart
I've not turned in anything and still got an A in a specific class
I can't sleep if there is a bug/insect in the room
I'm good at remembering dates
My memory sucks
I have no idea what I want to the for the rest of my life BAHH. Just the opposite. Life comes once and stays for a short period of time. Enjoy it for life :)
...called me fat
...say I eat too much
...say I eat too slow
I'm at my thinnest
I'm at my biggest
I diet
My weight affects my mood
I'm vegetarian It's so ironical how I used to be non-vegetarian and converted to vegetarian around a year ago and converted back two days ago!
I love dancing
I'm into theater
I'm a natural artist
I can do a split
I watch television over 3 hours a day
I'm addicted to Facebook
I'm addicted to Twitter
I'm done. Ah. That was quite fun. You should try it out. You know, for a good laugh or something.
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