I've been tagged by two of these amazing sweet bloggers,
Fibi and Tani, a day or two ago. So I'm gonna go for it. But before that...
1. Every person must post 11 things about themselves
2. Answer the questions the tagger has set for you plus create 11 questions for the people you've tagged to answer
3. Choose other people to tag and link them in your post
4. Go to their page and tell them
5. No tags back
Eleven VERY RANDOM Things About Me:
1. I'm sort of like an Apollo/Poseidon/Hermes child, if you could imagine that...
2. My best friend Alicia wants a purple streak in her hair when she grows up. And I've been thinking, I think I want one temporarily too...
3. I prefer vanilla ice cream over chocolate ice cream.
4. Five years ago, I used to be the most shyest kid in the block. Now I'm as hyper and outgoing than ever.
5. I've been to 15 countries, including the one I'm living in now.
6. I'm gonna a part of my new story on Wattpad later today!
7. I want to publish something before I die.
8. I have a very special liking for messy haired guys :)
9. I LOVE BAKING AND MAKING DESERTS! But whenever I try something new, I end up failing. Karen, Alicia and I tried making chocolate pudding and I swear to god, it turned out like Hagrid's rock cakes.
10. All my dreams feel like they've taken place. They feel so real.
11. I never paint my nails in any color, but the clear kind. Maybe I do paint them in other colors...once or twice a year. :\
Eleven Answers for the Eleven Questions
1. Why did you start your blog?
I started my blog around two years ago just to find another little place to write in. Back then, I'd never taken blogging seriously. It was just a place for my friends to look at once in a while to see what I wrote. But then, a few months passed by and then I began to actually understand this blogosphere. Now I love blogging. Just blogging about random things, the average day-to-day happenings. But it feels great to know that people all over the world are reading what I wrote. It's pretty cool and now, I consider blogging as one of my most favorite things to do.
2. If you could meet one famous person in the world, who would it be?
Hands down, Nick Jonas.
3. What would you say to that famous person?
Before I would even say anything, I'd probably squeal and faint. Just kidding. But if I could say something to him, I'd tell him a simple sentence - "You're my inspiration."
Because that every single person out there would be blessed and feel amazing if someone told them that they were their inspiration. And besides, it says everything I would want to say to him in a single line.
4. What was the last thing you bought?
Let's see. Hmm... oh yes. A bottle of cranberry juice :)
5. What is your favorite music?
If it isn't obvious already, any JONAS. They may be old, I may be old for them , but they're amazing.
Besides that, I love any kind of song with amazing lyrics. Compared to the other music genres, I prefer pop.
6. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
If this question means, if I could go anywhere new in the world, then I would say Australia. Because I've never been there and I really want to see how it is. It's a beautiful country, I'm sure of that :)
If this question means, if I could go anywhere in the world new or old, then I would say Vaduz. Vaduz is a small town in the little country of Lichtenstein. When I went there this summer, I fell in love. My dad even made a personal vow saying he would retire there :)
7. What are your favorite pair of shoes?
It's this pair of black low tops that Alicia got me two years ago. But I still love them. They're really cool and besides, they go well with whatever you wear!
8. What would your dream man/woman be like?
I would ask my dad and mom to scroll through this answer. Hehe :)
You know what, he's gotta be just like Austin Tanner. The guy in my story.
And besides, that's like years away from now.
Things to worry about later :)
9. What's your favorite film?
Woah. This is tough.
I can't pick. I have way too many.
I can't even figure out which one 'cause there are too many to pick from.
A Cinderella Story, StarStruck, Mission Impossible, Camp Rock 2, Big Daddy, To Grandmother's House We Go and the list can keep going on and on.
10. Do you have any pets?
Oh yes.
My three year old yellow labrador, Nicky.
That's Her :) |
There are more pictures of her
right here.
11. What would your dream job be?
A free lance journalist...with a high salary :)
Seven (and not eleven) Tags
Eleven Questions to These Lovely Bloggers
1. If you could have one supernatural power, what would it be?
2. If you could wear two things the rest of your life, what would they be?
3. What's your hidden talent?
4. Do you like dressing up? If you do, what is that one pair of clothes that you just feel so lovely in?
5. Pool party or a tea party?
6. What do you detest doing?
7. Do you have (or have you had) any sort of a celebrity obsession?
8. Which TV show character or a character in a book can you relate the most to you?
9. What is your dream place to retire?
10. Do you believe in an afterlife?
11. What is that one wish you would wish for to come true with regard to today?
Hope you guys have fun answering!